- Cheap doesn't sell, value does.
- Increase your self worth so you can increase your net worth.
- Stop telling yourself that you're not worth it.
- Tell yourself that you're worth it and that the work is worth it.
- Don't price for the market you're in, price for the market you want to be in.
- What you put your items next to can influence the price you can charge for your work.
- What market do you want to be in?
- Name 5 brand you'd like your product to be sold next to.
- What factors have you been considering when you price your work?
- Where, ideally, would you like your products to be sold?
- Where is your customer going to shop to find products like yours?
- What is your customer spending on comparable products?
- Materials + Overhead + Labor = Base
- Base + Profit = Wholesale
- Wholesale * 2 = Retail
The marketing puzzle
- Purpose: What does your product mean to you?
- People: No people, no business.
- Position: How are you positioned?
- Promotion: How do you get the word out?
Reality Check
- How is your business currently perceived by others (family, community, customers)?
- What do people think of when they think of your business? Do they think it's your hobby? Are they intimidated?
- Who are the customers you're currently attracting?
I wasn't able to complete the course because it's Kelly time, but learned so much from this broadcast! Now time to put this to use.
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